Thank you for your interest in auditioning for the Corvallis Youth Symphony’s 2024-25 Season! All auditions for the new season will take place in May of 2024.
CYS String Auditions All auditions are due by May 21, 2024. String auditions will take place through video. Please register at the bottom of the page for instructions on video submission.
CYS Wind/Brass/Percussion Auditions All auditions will take place on May 20 and 21, 2024. Wind/Brass/Percussion auditions will take place in-person at Crescent Valley High School. Please register at the bottom of the page in order to sign up for an in-person audition.
Important CYS Membership Requirements To audition for CYS, students must be members of their school's instrumental music program, if one exists. CYS students must also be in 9th-12th grade. See Audition Expectations below.
Audition Expectations
Prepare contrasting sections (lyrical/technical) from a solo in the standard repertoire. Please prepare no more than 2-3 minutes of each section.
Prepare a 2-octave (minimum) or 3-octave (preferred) major or minor scale of your choice. Please be prepared to play the scale at quarter note = 60, slurred, ascending and descending, with an arpeggio.
Prepare contrasting sections (lyrical/technical) from a solo in the standard repertoire. Please prepare no more than 2-3 minutes of each section.
Prepare a 2-octave (minimum) or 3-octave (preferred) major or minor scale of your choice. Please be prepared to play the scale at quarter note = 60, two notes per bow, ascending and descending, with an arpeggio.
Prepare contrasting sections from a marimba or xylophone solo in the standard repertoire. Please prepare no more than 2-3 minutes of each section.
You will be asked to perform standard snare drum rudiments, or you can perform a short excerpt from a standard snare drum solo.
You may be asked to demonstrate tuning and basic bow strokes on timpani.
Prepare a 2-octave (minimum) or 3-octave (preferred) major or minor scale of your choice.
Please be prepared to play the scale at a different tempi (quarter = 60 to 120).
CYS Membership Requirements
Membership in CYS requires membership in the student’s school or district band or orchestra class, if one exists.
Each member must agree to abide by the Attendance Policy. A high-quality ensemble requires a commitment of faithful attendance and industrious concentration at each rehearsal. Illness is excused;homework is not. Students who might have school conflicts (sports or school activities) need to carefully study their calendars to determine the seriousness of conflicts. If your conflict requires you to miss a concert, dress rehearsal, or several rehearsals, please reconsider your CYS participation this season.
CYS members are required to participate in and sell tickets ($150+) for the annual Classical Cabaret fundraiser. Parents/guardians of CYS members are expected to contribute volunteer time toward Classical Cabaret.
Parents/Guardians of CYS members are expected to contribute volunteer time toward CYS throughout the year.
Tuition for CYS, for the entire season, is $680 due at the first rehearsal.
Need-based scholarships are available upon application (email [email protected] for an application); payment plans are also available upon request.
Important CYS 2024-2025 Dates (Attendance Mandatory)
September 8, 2024:CYS Parent Meeting (7:00-8:00pm), Zoom
September 9, 2024: First CYS rehearsal (6:30-9pm)
December 4, 2024: Dress rehearsal at LaSells Stewart Center, 7-9pm
December 8, 2024: CYS Winter Concert, 4pm at LaSells Stewart Center at OSU (Rehearsal 12:00-1:00pm)
No CYS rehearsal from December 9-January 5 for Winter Break
January 6, 2025: CYS re-starts
February 1, 2025: CYSA Classical Cabaret, 7:30pm
April 23, 2025: Dress rehearsal at LaSells Stewart Center, 7-9pm
April 27, 2025: CYS Spring Concert, 4pm at LaSells (Rehearsal 12:00-1:00pm)
Audition Video Submission Requirements (for Strings)
Please fill out the audition registration at the bottom of this page. After submitting the audition info, you will receive an email with a link, where you can submit your audition video.
Make sure your audition video shows you and your instrument clearly in the shot, and that you are in a well-lit room (avoid filming in front of windows).
Please submit your audition as a single video (no editing or separate takes).
Your audition video will be viewed only by the CYS Conductor, Jason Duckles.
In the YOUR DETAILS section of the Audition Registration below, enter PARENT/GUARDIAN information. Student information will be entered on the following page.
In-Person Audition Requirements (for winds, brass, and percussion)
Please fill out the audition registration at the bottom of this page. After submitting the audition info, please emailthe orchestra manager to set up an audition time. Times are available May 20th and 21st from 6PM-7:30PM.
Your audition will take place at Crescent Valley High School in Corvallis; Jason Duckles, CYS Conductor, will listen to all auditions.
In the YOUR DETAILS section of the Audition Registration below, enter PARENT/GUARDIAN information. Student information will be entered on the following page.
To learn more about the Corvallis Youth Symphony, please visit the CYS Program page.